A week-long training on the use of MS Excel within risk analysis organised for the officers of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The second field visits of the BP BIH representatives to selected units of BP Croatia, takes place in the second week of September 2024.
The first of two field visits of the BP BIH representatives to selected units of BP Croatia, takes place in the first week of September 2024
A field visit of the thematic working group on Control and Checks technique takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A field visit of the thematic working group on ITS takes place in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A field visit of the thematic working group on Real Estate takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A field visit of the thematic working group on Mobility takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A subgroup on Risk Analysis convenes in Sarajevo (BIH) to review national capacities for data gathering and analysis.
A dedicated training is organised by DCAF on advanced use of Microsoft Excel in analytics and risk analyes.
A field visit of the thematic working group on organisation and human resources takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The second fact-finding field visit of DCAF Experts to selected units of BIH Border Police, focused on border surveillance procedures and mobility, within the project Standardisation and systemisation of technical equipment of the border police of Bosnia and Herzegovine.